
Source : University of South California (USC)
Summary : Scientists of USC developed rechargeable battery that is eco-friendly, organic and scalable, which makes the energy grid more efficient, powerful and resourceful for using in power plants. These batteries could provide a base for renewable energy sources that can give a higher hand to the nation's energy generation.
California : Scientists has invented a new water-based organic battery that is eco-friendly, long lasting and are made from cheap organic components. The all new battery is created with an intention of using in power plants. It does not make use of any toxic materials as it can make your energy grid more flexible and resourceful as a means of large-scale energy storage device.
Sri Narayan, professor of Chemistry at the University of South California, said "the batteries last for around 5,000 recharge cycles that gives them a lifespan of 15 years according to the estimation."
Narayan has work together with many of their fellow staff in the university in which Mr. Prakash, one of the professors of chemistry and director of the institute said "These organic flow batteries will be the game-changers for grid energy storage in terms of cost, reliability, simplicity and sustainability for good flow of electricity."
These batteries could be a good base to provide renewable energy for the nation's future generation. Solar Panels can generate power only when the sun is shining while the wind turbines run only when the wind blows. Whereas with this battery, you can store surplus power and then use it as whenever needed.
"Mega-scale" energy store has become a critical problem of the renewable energy for future generation while this battery could achieve it with inexpensive and eco-friendly solutions.
The team is working on with various patents to design the battery in different types for the ease of energy transfer and is planning for a large version, which can be expected in near future.


Scientists Invented New Battery that is Cheap, Clean and Rechargeable.